Festival 2022 Update

Happy New Year! In our area, COVID-19 is sadly still rearing its ugly head. Many of our handbell choirs are still not rehearsing. The ones that are rehearsing and ringing are doing so with a limited number of ringers in some cases. The bottom line is—COVID-19 concerns are still influencing the return of handbells to Central Alabama. It is with much sadness and regret that the Design Team canceled the Central Alabama Handbell Festival 2022. Our hope is that COVID-19 will be well into the rear-view mirror by February 24 & 25, 2023 and the Central Alabama Handbell Festival comes around. Joel Raney will be the Clinician. The music list is in the final stages of completion. Watch our website for the final list. Nick Hanson has graciously agreed to move to the Central Alabama Handbell Festival in 2024. The dates are March 1 & 2, 2024. The music list will be the same as the list for 2021.

 Please be safe and very careful during this time of COVID-19.  Much success in all your efforts to bring handbells back safely to your churches and communities.
Kelley Clegg Neal, CAHF Design Team Chair


Festival 2023 Information


Festival 2021